Tuesday, November 25, 2008


By the end of the day I am usually so brain dead from correcting writing mistakes (while pointing and laughing at the more unique, i.e. ridiculously stupid, ones) that any attempt to write something profound and witty of my own becomes the very thing I so mock. My own writing falls to the wayside in lieu of reading and dreaming and mentally dictating. If I were to really embrace my inner Lois Lane and fall headfirst into a devotion of news writing and reporting and overall journalism, now would be a terrible time to do it. (See post below.) Since the election is over I have let up on my constant Palin-bashing blogging over at the paper's Web site and relaxed back into meaningless celebrity gossip and funny pictures. But when I visit my favorite progressive Web sites and see the amazing things people are writing, I am equally inspired and blown away.

I Blame The Patriarchy is one of those sites.

It's feminism that pulls no punches. And I admire it. Simple as that.
Admire it for the honesty, for the brutal honesty, in pointing out that injustice is too soft a word for what happens every single day to half of the population.

A few quotes:

A black dude can get elected president, but a woman? When swine defy gravity. Racism flourishes, all righty, but it’s covert, on the DL, the embarrassing private luxury of elderly honkys and parochial-minded nincompoops, an imp of the perverse the public indulgence of which is becoming increasingly difficult both to justify and to legislate. It seems safe to say that if the majority of Americans wished to cling to racism as a defining aspect of their cult, last week’s election would have had rather a different outcome.

Misogyny, on the other hand, is bullet-proof. It’s not merely tolerated, it’s openly celebrated in the American street, the American courtroom, the American bedroom, the American internet. Except for a puny consortium of bruised and contused blamers calling blindly to the Vaginatariat through mists of dime store cologne, even the victims of this oppression embrace it. Thus is it possible for American voters to view straight male Barack Obama as a human being, but to view the queers seeking some of that liberty and justice as a bunch of deviant meatsock mutations to throw under the bus.

And this quote, from another post, is subtle, but more effective than many a tome from a Women's Study class.

Then, while in line at Whole Foods, I espied the current copy of Vanity Fair, and was repelled by a cover featuring, in full drag, the most famous dude-fantasy cipher of the 20th century, Marilyn Monroe. The cover story, which I haven’t read, purportedly contains vital new information on the “mystery” of her death. Pah. I’ll tell you what killed Marilyn Monroe. Femininity. It kills thousands of women every day.


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