Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Flâneur in London: Nature Edition, Part One

London is not all concrete jungle and elephants, my fellow flâneurs.

Roehampton University, my home away from home, hosts a beautiful campus full of wilder animals than the students.

So, some flâneuring for your Wednesday! A different kind of flâneuring. This natural life is in city limits, so come take a nature walk with me.

The Canada geese are peaceful here, but they start their honking as soon as the sun rises. So, roughly around 4:30 in the morning, right around the time the drunken "Whooos!" have died down.

These flowers are amazing -- lilacs, perhaps? Anyone know?

Mama Goose has her eye on me.

The fantastic Mr. Fox! (I initially thought he was very bushy doggie.)

And finally ... the baby Egyptian geese have absolutely and completely stolen my heart. 
(The fuzzy! The webbed feet! The bitty beaks! Squeal!)


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