"Everything In My Closet Is Slutty Or Casual: A Journey Of Inappropriate
Work Attire, An Autobiography Of Every Morning at 7 A.M." By Natalie
Chapter 1: Why is this shirt covered in cat hair?
Chapter 2: It's not TECHNICALLY strapless, so it works, right?
Chapter 3: Why do you own so many pairs of shorts? You don't even wear
shorts. Except the purple ones. But not to work. Don't put those on.
Chapter 4: The many ways in which your ass can no longer fit into those pants you have owned since 2003.
Chapter 5: Did you shave your legs? You didn't. How not-shaven are they? Eh, that dress is long enough.
Chapter 6: Sitting in the middle of your floorobe sighing and checking Facebook will not get you to work on time.
Chapter 7: Define skintight.
Chapter 8: Didn't you wear that Monday?
Chapter 9: Damn it, just throw something on already. No, not that.
Chapter 10: How the many vows to buy appropriate work attire will be forgotten by the time you finish your morning coffee.
Chapter 11: Doing it all again tomorrow as if it were a grand surprise.
(Email me at flaneurinthecity at gmail dot com if you want to follow my personal Twitter. Maybe one day I'll actually use the flaneurinthecity official Twitter account. After I buy a proper pair of trousers and a sensible shirt.)
I believe that no one pays enough attention to me to tell what I wore Monday. Also, Everything I wear to work is black, so the only time it is a problem is the random day I wear color, and then I cannot wear that colored shirt again for a week because that's when one gets noticed.
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