Tuesday, September 9, 2008

La fille occupée

It's been a really busy time for me lately, and I don't think that it's a terrible thing. By nature I am an introvert, so drawing energy from nightclub openings and parties is out of beat with my inner self. But that hasn't stopped me from dancing the night away.

I am breathing a huge sigh of relief that the "Best Of" issue is over. Today it hits the stands, tonight is the "Best Of" Party Uptown, and tomorrow things go back to a relative normalcy in the newspaper world. I stressed over this issue because I wanted my work to be flawless -- it's the biggest paper of the year, and I am but a cog in the wheel of the Weekly Planet, but damn it if I didn't want my cog to be the shiniest. We're all just drops in the ocean of time, but some of us drops sparkle in the sun. And I want to live a life of sparkles, thankyouverymuch.

I'm also happy that some of my writing sneaked its way into this issue, and I can have something tangible to point out to my parents when they ask what exactly it is I do in the newspaper world. Hell, something I can point out to everyone who asks what it exactly it is I do in the newspaper world. Even Sharsta's mom noted that I wasn't getting the bylines I used to, since I've been editing more than writing. And that's OK -- it's my job to edit. That doesn't mean that my loved ones don't miss my writing. I miss it too. But my Autumn goal is to write more of my own stuff, deadline free, and revise the work I already have to perfection. And if I sneak out to a club opening, or dance barefoot on the street until then, well, that's still not a terrible thing.


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