Saturday, March 20, 2010

London Calling (Part Two)

Oh, so you moved to London? That’s nice. And when was this? Last month? A few weeks ago? Surely, to make such a move would require time and planning, and of course the scholarly desire to chronicle your every step via Twitter/Facebook/Blog?


Princess of Procrastination, est. 1981, logging on now.

I was born late. (No, really. I was. Ask my mother.) And I continue to stay a few steps behind on all the things I want/dream/scheme/need to do. And instead of plotting out my time wisely and efficiently, carefully calculating my options and taking into account time limitations, I compensate for my lateness by rushing into whatever lies before me head-on, fate on my side, and reflect back later on the momentous tasks that managed to be performed beautifully. Perhaps I work best under pressure. Perhaps destiny allows and knows what has to be, and frees me to rely on instinct and faith. Perhaps it’s sheer dumb luck.

I’ve been in London since September 2009. My home is in the cozy outskirts of central London, close to Putney, Hammersmith, Wimbledon and Kingston. Southwest London, for those who know, and in Zone 3, for those who really know. I am cloistered away on the only campus University in London, working diligently (well, as diligently as procrastination will allow) on my MA in Creative and Professional Writing.

Roehampton University. My home away from home.

When it came time for me to remove the coils of capitalist society and dive back into academia, I took a chance and applied to a school in the late month of July, 2009. No way, I thought, but sent on the application anyway. To my surprise and confusion (I truly believed it to be some mistake, some other Natalie), I was accepted and gifted a scholarship. Leaving me a scarce 10 weeks to attain a visa, clear out of my apartment, store my stuff, find a place for my kitty to live happily in my absence, arrange my finances, attain a student loan, pack what I would need for my move, and mentally prepare myself to leave behind all of my family and friends for a foreign country by September 16th.

No biggie.


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