Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another Post Not About Flaneuring

Some thoughts from today:
  • Know what makes me teary eyed?
(Prepare yourself. The complete and utterly hopeless nerdy-ness that made my high school experience the fun-time equivalent to medieval surgery is about to be exposed.)


F***in’ Cher, y’all.
“Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves?” “Halfbreed?” Oh. My. Gosh. I get weepy. It’s such deceivingly happy music about prostitution and racism. “Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves” pops up on my iPod or iTunes as I’m working and I start humming along innocently every single time and then BAM! Our Gypsy’s a prostitute. Tears.

(Her hair is amazing though. You love it. You know you do. I envy it.)
  • Best quote today: “I swear to God, Salvador Dali, if you fall on me in the middle of the night, I’m going to freak out!”
(To the best of my knowledge, Salvador Dali is not spending time hanging from my ceiling. However, a print of his artwork is precariously dangling on the wall above my bed.)
  • Mr. B is here.
He sits behind me as I write these words – sweet, wonderful Mr. B – here in my flat in London. Is this a dream? A movie? It can’t be real, can it? I’ll wake up soon enough. But for now, I can turn from my desk, reach out to the form lazed on my bed, give his foot a squeeze and linger another moment in the green garden of this hazy, unexpected bliss.


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