Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Witty Blog Title Referencing Creative Writing

"Includes fascinating portrayals of casual drug use at house parties, how the author/protagonist had conversations about post-punk while seeing his mate’s band perform at some shitty small venue, internal monologues about consumerism while observing people in a mall and that time when the protagonist had an epiphany about living in the moment while walking in the rain"

You know this guy.  Even if you didn't know him personally through your education, you've sat next to him in Starbucks. Or possibly read one of his meandering online explanations of his body of work that is full of obscure-but-not-really references. Or, you've heard of James Franco and his new novel. Like the above, with more money.

Bonus! A previously published James Franco story included these great lines:

"His window is all the way down, and he breathes his smoke out the black gaping gap."

Gaping ... gap.

"The building is beige, but the shadows make it shadow-color."

So, gray, then? Yeah.


Unknown said...

Gaping gap is something I would say, but never write. Like batty bat or hater hate. I say that all the time. But I would never write it.

Oh James Franco, he should stick with looking pretty.

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