Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday QuoteDay

Women and men do not receive an equal education because outside of the classroom women are not perceived as sovereign beings but as prey… the capacity to think independently, to take intellectual risks, to assert ourselves mentally is inseparable from our physical way of being in the world, our feelings of personal integrity.
If it is dangerous for me to walk home late of an evening from the library because I am a woman and I can be raped then, how self possessed, how exuberant can I feel as I sit and work at the library? How much of my working energy is drained by by the subliminal knowledge that as a woman, I test my physical right to exist every time I go out alone.
— Adrienne Rich, American writer, feminist and activist who recently passed away.
“Taking Women Students Seriously,” from her book, On Lies, Secrets and Silence.


Natalie said...

Glad you found something in it that spoke to you! Hope all is well!

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