Friday, May 31, 2013

Weird Facebook Ads, Part Three

I haven't done a Weird Facebook Ad round-up in a while (here's Part 1 and Part 2). Maybe it's because Facebook has gotten wise to my aggressive hiding and labeling ads as offensive, but I haven't had as many weird FB ads to post lately. I get the usual Mom Ads, which is just par for the sexist course at FB, but even those are coming up less and less as I click to remove them from my sidebar. Tellingly, my husband still does not receive any ads for newly marrieds, Dads, cleaning, or baby supplies, but political campaigns and movies. I like politics and movies more than I like cleaning, FB, thanks. As I stated in Weird Facebook Ads, Part 1, there must be an algorithm that sees my married, 30-something profile and assumes that I should be having babies by the truckload and cleaning all their little baby ends, while my husband does the voting. Misogyny! Subtle as always. Given all the other info FB knows about me, you'd think it would be able to read deeper while crawling a profile. For example?

1.) Where do you think I live, Facebook?

Hoboken is in New Jersey,  642 Miles / 1033 Km from me.

My recent photos are tagged North Carolina, my check-ins are in North Carolina, and my current employment status is in North Carolina. Facebook reads this as Jersey Shore baby! Yeah! I mean, 2010 was good year, but that doesn't mean you have to live in its pop culture forever. I guess now I have to go Gym, Tan, Laundry.

Speaking of employment ...

2.) FU Cat

Oh really, Facebook? That kitten can get a job at his tiny kitten desk, collating his teeny kitten memos with his bitty kitten powers of adorableness and shedding? Kittens are taking all our biped jobs! So why can't I find a job? Fucking kittens, Facebook. Maybe I could be working where mini-kitty is working but nooooo the job goes to Fluffy McTunabreath over there. No one wants to work with people when they could work with kittens. This is a fact. The Internet is proof of this. There is no place for me in a job market that hires student-loan-free baby snuggle-face kittens. 

The Internet. (Via WeKnowGifs)
But to cheer me up, finally, Facebook does something right ...

3.) You Finally Get Me

Finally. Yes. Ads that are relevant to my interests. Yes. I DO like Futurama! Yes. I DO love Sailor Moon! Please install all your cookies and malware as I like all the cartoon things. Agreement reached!


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