Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays, Loves!

You are my shining lights, dear readers, and I love you all. Thanks for sticking with me, and I'll see you after the holidays.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday QuoteDay

“Women with power are always feared.” 
— Libba Bray, author, A Great and Terrible Beauty

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Weekly Flâneur: Driven

Post rain sunset. Click to enlarge.

Do not take a photo while driving down 485. That is so dangerous. Why do something so stupid? Seriously. Bad. (But really pretty and I lived and I won't do it again?)

Yesterday's sunset, somewhere on the highway. Charlotte, NC. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

You Find Me

Come on over!

Every once in awhile, I look at my blog stats to see where I am getting my unique web hits from. Most of my referring sites are variations of Google, and the majority of those searches are for Katy Perry and Lady Gaga. (Y'all love the Katy and Lady, apparently!)

But occasionally, I will find a few phrases in the Search Keywords stats that sum up my blog in perfect snippets. You are in the right place if you found FitC via these searches.

Image reads: "hot to be a flaneur"

Yes. Yes, it is hot to be a flâneur.
My flâneuring brings all the boys to the yard.

Image reads: "flaneur bowie"

This is how you find Flâneur in the City. Type DAVID BOWIE into your search engine of choice. If you can remember the correct spelling, type flaneur. If you can't remember the correct spelling of flaneur, type DAVID BOWIE again. And you are here. This is pretty much all FitC is about. Occasional flaneuring, occasional writing, DAVID muggle-lovin' BOWIE.

(And David Bowie? He is the perfect flâneur.)

Image reads: "david bowie vegetarian" and "london penis tower."

String these together in one phrase: "david bowie vegetarian london penis tower." That could almost be my blog's "About Me." Drop the "tower," though. Maybe add coffee?  "Reading between the lines of pavement cracks and pop culture? No, FitC is: david bowie vegetarian london penis coffee."

If you do need towers, go read The Broship of the Rings posts on GingerHaze's page and wait for the tower references there? Hipster Hobbits love Starbucks, FitC loves coffee, so it's all cyclical.

Venti coffees and pints of beer are both beautiful things that hobbits and I love.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday QuoteDay

(Katy Perry’s) 'I Kissed a Girl' was just straight-up offensive. The whole thing is like, I kissed a girl so my boyfriend could masturbate about it later. It’s disgusting. It’s exactly every male fantasy of fake lesbian porn. It’s pathetic.

— Kathleen Hanna, American musician, activist and writer

(Or, ahem, this post.)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Weekly Flâneur: Decor Amour

Click to enlarge.

You and me? We'll share a French press and scones under one of these lovelies. 
Taken over Thanksgiving weekend, Amelie's French Bakery, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
This is the second post of chandeliers in Charlotte coffeehouses for Weekly Flâneur. Maybe this will become a trend?

 Amelie's French Bakery salted caramel brownies are not the only thing I covet: Here's a sampling of the drool-worthy lighting found in Charlotte's shabby-chic hotspot.

Before I moved to London, I had a cozy bedroom chandelier in my apartment. It wasn't as ornate as the ones that grace Amelie's, but it was polished with pride and gave a cheery glow after a long work day. If I had one of these babies hanging over my bed, I might never leave. (Like I need an excuse to snuggle in bed all day!)