Thursday, February 14, 2013

Whoops, I Have A Blog!

Natalie. What are you doing?
Natalie, are you drunk? You have a blog, remember? Flaneur in the City? It's waiting for you. Readers are waiting for you. You beg them to follow you and then you abandon your blog for days at a time. Your To-Do List from this time last year has not changed. It reads: BLOG. Hello? Natalie?

Yeah, sorry about that. But! I have some ideas? And I'll share them here? I promise? I promise. When I have other writing projects around that pay me for my time, poor FitC becomes neglected. I can only promise to do my best and try harder, because you all? Y'all are wonderful for visiting my little corner of the Internet.

For real, I love you all and hope your day of red and pink hearts went well. Sorry about my brain not remembering to blog!

Here's David Bowie, to make up for it.

See? Even when FitC is flaky, Bowie still loves you.


Anonymous said...

David Bowie always make up for everything.

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