Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wild Oscar Talk

Have you been following build-up to the Oscars this year? The awards ceremony is on Sunday, and as usual, I'll be sipping mimosas and watching the film equivalent to the Super Bowl.

If you have followed Oscar news, you may have noticed clear-winner Anne Hathaway's coverage is tinged with a hint of malice. Anne is in the race for her heart-squeezing turn as Fantine in Les Misérables and is worthy of the win. But some don't like her ambitious attitude, or presence, or desire -- all things admirable in an actor, but something to sneer at in an actress. (A quick Google search of "Anne Hathaway" + "Oscar" is only the source needed for this one. Add "hate" at the end of that if you really want to spend time making "ugh" noises at your screen.)

At Creative Loafing, the alternative weekly newspaper here in Charlotte, the Oscar predictions slate Anne for the win. Film critic Matt Brunson perfectly and succinctly sums up Anne's Oscar coverage in one fell swoop, unpacking the media's internalized and ever-present misogyny that shoots women down for being anything less than what they are expected to be in that moment, at every moment of everyday.  

"A not-unexpected whiff of misogyny has hit this year's Oscar season, as evidenced by the disgusting treatment of Hathaway by both the media and the public. The clear frontrunner in this category since Day One, she's been lambasted lately for 'wanting the award too much,' whatever the fuck that means. Gee, funny how the same people complaining about her omniscient presence on talk shows and red-carpet events aren't similarly criticizing Daniel Day-Lewis, Steven Spielberg, Ben Affleck and Robert De Niro, all of whom are doing the exact same thing. At any rate, it would be a disgrace if Hathaway loses because of nastiness."

The film industry has its fill of lady-hate, and it's nothing new. But for this round, it would be nice to let the woman who obviously: Set a goal, worked towards it, wants it, and is on the cusp of fulfilling her goal, to not only have it, but to enjoy it.


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