Thursday, May 2, 2013

Why Don't You ...

This past week, I had my very first food story as the section lead in the local alt weekly paper. It's a personal stepping stone for me, because I never really write about food or music for pay. I've written about restaurants and interviewed chefs, but I've never had a lead story or written about the actual food itself. I never really wanted to. I still never want to have to write about music. Musicians, sure. And occasionally, here on this space, I've waxed poetic about pop stars. Once, I managed to become inspired enough to even break down a song and write a post on it. (Hello, Lady Gaga!) I unabashedly love pop music and musicals and never-heard-of-thems, but I don't want to write about them.

If it's not in your blood to enjoy every aspect of working with something, it quickly sours. That's why some hobbies can't translate into paying work. Writing is something I am good at and love to do, so I sweat it out and still enjoy it. But when it comes to music, it is the one area, the one subject, in my life that I can turn off my brain and just enjoy.  I like it, because I don't have to think about it. No analyzing beats, no dissecting lyrics, no questioning motives. No digging out the Five Ws. No reviewing. Listen, enjoy, repeat. This isn't to say I do not recognize problematic lyrics or artists, or will listen to just anything. But since I do not have any ambition to write about music, or to be a music reviewer, or a singer, a songwriter, or to learn a new instrument or critique musical arrangements, I am free to be dumb and listen to things that make me happy or invoke nostalgia or make me cry. It's freeing. I loathe to give it up. A good, tasty meal has the same effect. It's why I steer clear of penning Yelp reviews and why I do not share recipes on my blog. But after this past week, I think it's time. So food, sure. I'm taking the step and adding it to my list of things I can write about. Music is still a no. It's still mine.

So, why don't I write about David Bowie's new album? That's between me and him.


Anonymous said...

Quite inspiring to read. Thanks for sharing.

Natalie said...

Thanks to you both for reading! :)

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