Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Show and Tell

Two of my dear friends have started blogs. Both of them are busy bees, but they still find the time to write and post, motivating my lazy bum to get to writing.

Pink Spatula blogs over at A Cup and A Spoonful. Blending South African cuisine with UK fare, Miss Pink Spatula whips up recipes with ingredients that can be found anywhere. And, she's an excellent photographer, so expect yummy looking food photos.

Ash Cloud tackles the media over at Jimmy Jet and I's TV Set. The title is based on a Shel Silverstein poem about a child who turns into a television. Luckily, Ash Cloud protects the innocent from such a fate by watching TV for you. Ash Cloud analyzes your favorite TV shows and gives a heads-up on what's good. Hint: There is True Blood love galore at JJ's TV Set. I expect Alexander Skarsgard nude pictures over there soon. (No complaints about that!)

In other news, if you were lucky enough to see Inception this weekend, you may be interested in Matt Brunson's inspired review of the film. And if you were one of the unlucky ones (ahem, me) the review is spoiler-free, so breathe easy checking it out.

As for me? I'm working on the ol' dissertation (due next week! Whimper!) and strengthening my addiction to Marks and Spencer's Earl Grey Tea. I hope that there is a support group for Americans with insatiable British tea addictions in the States, or I'll just have to stay here forever.

(The tea bags aren't really that green. I'm just too lazy/busy to take my own photo. Thanks flickr!)


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