Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More Meta-blogging

That story I spoke of earlier this week? The one that combines Amy Winehouse and Gabrielle Giffords and lazy journalism?

It's reached 3,000-something words now; waaaaay too long for a blog post. When it's edited down to nice thousand or so, I'll post. Or keep adding to it until I have myself another book to submit to publishers. We'll see.

In the meantime, I've got a reputation to uphold, so here is the requisite David Bowie picture that my dearly loved readers (all 5 of them!) have come to expect from FitC. It also ties into the pop star discussion that I used to jump-start my glorious return to the world of blogging. Relevance! Go Natty! (Well, kinda relevance. Pretend it is. For me. Please and thank you.)


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