Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Some Blog Notes

Hello my dears!

I've gotten a lot of hits lately, and all I can say is: Thank you! This little flânuese loves you. If you like what you see, well, to put it in my native tongue, "Y'all come back now, ya hear?" (OK, maybe not so much my native tongue as '60s Hollywood's idea of my native tongue, but the offer still stands!)

If you wish to follow me on your blogger account, please do so. I don't have the little sidebar box up for followers, simply because I don't really have any. But if I get some, I will certainly add it to the sidebar.

Also, I've added Contact Info to the bottom of the sidebar, as well as the Share/Save button under each post. Because both of those things could be done while drinking tea and eating Kinder Chocolate Surprise Eggs and not doing my dissertation. Your free entertainment is my excuse for procrastination. We both win!

But really: Thank you for reading. You. Are. Awesome.


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