Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Collection of Beauties at the Height of Popularity

Amusements! Because it's not all doom and gloom at FitC. 

The Inception Button: Does this even have a name? It's a blank page with a red button in the middle. It makes a noise from Inception. It's hilarious. I may have to start selling counterfeit boxes of Girl Scout cookies to buy an iPhone so that I can carry around the Inception button to use in my everyday conversations and thoughts.
Paper or plastic? [Button]
I'll have a grande chai latte, please. [Button]
Naughty thoughts of Leo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and I in a hot tub? [Button]
My hamburger phone is ringing. [Button]

The Victorian Period Game: (Music is played when you click the link, so turn your sound down if you're at work.) Hosted by The McCord Museum of Canadian History in Montreal, this sneaks-in-the-education game tests on how one would survive in social standing in the Victorian era. The game figures don't actually talk but make little blah-blah-blah noises in varying cadences, which amused me and my parents' dog. As for game play, I was a wanton slut in the train station section, but redeemed my social graces in the park. Much like in real life.

Fuck Yeah Awesome Houses: Real estate porn, basically. But worldly with a twist of fantasy. FYAH allows people like me to post the following picture and make bad jokes. Ready?

Looks like they're stuck between a rock and a hard place! (Groan. Told ya.)

Future U.S. History Students: 'It's Pretty Embarrassing How Long You Guys Took To Legalize Gay Marriage': This story from The Onion.  A snippet:
"Wow, that is nuts," said student Jeremy Golliver, who claimed he knew gay rights was a struggle "like, a hundred years ago" but didn't realize it lasted so long. "It's really embarrassing, when you think about it. Just the fact that people in this century were actually saying things like, 'No, gays should not be allowed to marry,' and were getting all up in arms about it, as if homosexuals weren't full citizens or something. It's insane."
(Funny stuff, but ugh for the eye-melting bright Paul ads. They weren't up yesterday when I bookmarked this. Fairly hideous, so be warned.)


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