Monday, March 28, 2011

Say What Now?

Taken in Charlotte, NC, third week of March, 2011.
Bumper Sticker:
"Dare to say NO to
Obama and Socialism!"

I don't even know what this means.

This car was kitty-corner to me at a stoplight this month and I grabbed this shot. I edited out the license plate, because even if the bumper sticker makes no sense, no one needs their plate plastered on the Internet.

But I still don't quite get the logic behind this Glen Beck-like slogan. Oh, wait. OK, let me rephrase that. Even if this Glen Beck-like spewing had any basis in logic, it still makes no sense. Dare to say no? Like, to drugs? (In the 80's, American grade school children were taught the useless slogan of, "Dare to Say No!" in an anti-drug campaign called DARE to Keep Kids off Drugs.) Does ... does Obama make you high? Can he make me high? Cause, I mean, I'll totally vote for that. There are even republicans and conservatives that are down for that. Change we can believe in? Getting high!

And the socialism part? I am aware that's the new buzz word used to get the willfully ignorant into a tizzy, but really? Do ya even understand how socialism works? If you are going to try to fit your opinions on a small rectangle on your monstrous SUV, why not make it easy and say, "I don't understand why I'm unhappy and it's easy to blame Obama because FOX News said so!"


Leah Jane said...

I've seen some rancid ones in Missoula, but that one's just plain illogical. It comes close to my favourite, "I'll keep my guns, liberty, and freedom, you keep the 'Change'"

Anonymous said...

American propaganda at its finest. Russian communism is now gone, so now it is no to being human?


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