Saturday, March 5, 2011

Six Questions

Subtitle: In Which There Is An Incredibly Lazy Blog Post

(Many, many thanks to Persephone Magazine, who hosted the original open thread where these came from.) 

1.)  You’ve been given the power to invent a new ice cream flavor, what is it and why?

Chardonnay Surprise. Dessert is no time to be sober.

2.)  You’re chosen to remake any movie originally made between 1975-1990.  What movie do you remake an how do you cast it?

 Star Wars with an all-female cast. Even Darth Vader. Think about it for a moment.


Awesome, no?

I think Lucy Lawless would be in there somewhere. And little Amanda Seyfried. Maybe she could be girl-Luke Skywalker.

(Pictured: Luke and Vader? Maybe.)

3.) What terrible song gets stuck in your head?

 “I whip my hair back and forth. I whip my hair back and forth. I whip my hair back and forth.”
Ad nauseam, to infinity.
(No offense to Miss Willow Smith.)

4.) Tell us about a woman who has been influential in your life.

  My Momma. She’s my hero. Even when we bicker and annoy each other, I hope I can be half as good and cool of a person as she is when I grow up.

5.) What’s your favorite joke?

The only non-dirty one I can think of is actually a quote from a movie. From Pixar’s Up via the dog character, Dug, who says, “Hey, I know a joke! A squirrel walks up to a tree and says, ‘I forgot to store acorns for the winter and now I am dead.’ Ha! It is funny because the squirrel gets dead.”

6.) A band is now following you around performing your personal soundtrack wherever you go, who are they, and what are they playing?

 David Bowie. A clone army of David Bowies playing back-up. And since he is David Bowie, he will invent new songs that perfectly fit the moment for my life soundtrack, most likely using metaphors involving space travel and diamond dogs. Because he is David Bowie, and can do no wrong.

Your turn, readers.
What are your answers?


Leah Jane said...

I think Helen Mirren should be the female Grand Moff Tarkin in that case.
Oh, and I'm tempted to do this as well...

Natalie said...

OMG. Helen Mirren most certainly has the role. I'm rethinking Lucy Lawless as Vader though. The Xena fans would finance this whole franchise if LL was Han Solo and Renee O'Connor was Princess Leia!

Anonymous said...

1) Amelie's salted caramel brownie ice cream.
2) "Mighty Ducks" with actual ducks.
3) Rihanna's S&M.
4) My 4th grade teacher, Ms.P. She had a big heart, especially for the planet and furry creatures.
5) It involves a bar in Atlanta called Bed...
6) John Mayer.

Natalie said...

God help us, Jamie, if we ever get drunk and remember your brilliant suggestion of salted caramel brownie ice cream. It would be torture; we'd want it so bad and wouldn't have the wherewithal to figure out how to make it.

Also, would the ducks wear ice skates, or just be Mighty on their own webbed feet?

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